Patricia Ann Marsteller

Emory University | Atlanta, GA | 2023

Patricia Ann Marsteller Portrait Photo

The Presidential award is an amazing honor. Such recognition will spur my continuing efforts to create a culture of mentoring at all levels of STEMM and will further enhance my work with AAAS, BioQUEST, and other groups interested in social justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion!

Sharon Homer Drummond Portrait Photo

The Presidential award is an amazing honor. Such recognition will spur my continuing efforts to create a culture of mentoring at all levels of STEMM and will further enhance my work with AAAS, BioQUEST, and other groups interested in social justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion!

Kristin Jenkins Portrait Photo

The Presidential award is an amazing honor. Such recognition will spur my continuing efforts to create a culture of mentoring at all levels of STEMM and will further enhance my work with AAAS, BioQUEST, and other groups interested in social justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion!

Deb Rook Portrait Photo

The Presidential award is an amazing honor. Such recognition will spur my continuing efforts to create a culture of mentoring at all levels of STEMM and will further enhance my work with AAAS, BioQUEST, and other groups interested in social justice and diversity, equity, and inclusion!

The official biography below was current at the time of the award. Awardees may choose to provide their latest biographical information on their profile page.

Patricia “Pat” Marsteller has developed and led mentoring programs for over 30 years. She directed the Hughes Science Initiative and the Center for Science Education and has developed and led mentoring programs for undergraduates, graduate students, and faculty. Pat has educated over 350 graduate students and postdoctoral students and over 800 faculty in inclusive teaching strategies and mentoring. As a co-founder of the Atlanta Society of Mentors, Pat has led sessions every year on culturally responsive mentoring, mitigating bias and microaggressions, and developing mentoring compacts. This program has reached over 350 faculty. She has continued her work with faculty and future faculty as an Emeritus Professor and as the co-leader of the Accelerating Systemic Change Network working group on Social Justice Diversity and Inclusion, the Faculty Development Ambassador for the BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium, and the Science Education for New Civic Engagements and Responsibilities (SENCER) ambassador. Her continuing work with current and future faculty focuses on reflective practice, faculty mentoring networks, and creating change agents. Pat’s mentoring philosophy involves understanding the needs and aspirations of each person and finding appropriate resources to assist them achieve their goals through individual development plans, mentoring compacts, resources for success, and continuing adaptation as the relationship evolves. Pat earned a B.S. in biology from the University of Maryland, her M.S. in biology from the University of South Carolina, and her doctorate in zoology from the University of Florida. Her honors include the Cuttino Award for Excellence in Mentoring, the Delores P. Aldridge Multicultural Award for Mentoring, and the SENCER Ambassador award.