Nominate outstanding mentors and mentorship organizations now for this award year.
Individual Nominees Must
- Work in business, academia, primary or secondary education, military, government, non-profit organizations, or foundations;
- Have at least five years of sustained, exceptional mentoring with demonstrated impact on individuals historically underrepresented in STEM;
- Be a U.S. Citizen or permanent resident;
- Not be part of a current Organizational application;
- Not have received the PAESMEM award as an Individual applicant in any prior competition.
Organization Nominees Must
- Be affiliated with a company, U.S. educational institution or agency, military, government, non-profit organization, or foundation;
- Have at least five years of sustained, exceptional mentoring with demonstrated impact on individuals historically underrepresented in STEM;
- be a mentoring program or activity within an organization;
- Not be a current Individual applicant;
- Not have received the PAESMEM award as an Organizational applicant in the past 10 years.